Saturday, March 5, 2011

Saturday's Song

Today has been filled to the brim with non-stop activities! I usually try and enjoy a leisurely, lazy Saturday morning, yet today began on the run and continued at this non-stop pace until almost time for the ten o'clock news tonight. 
The day began with an early morning book signing at the White Rhino Coffee House. After grumbling about having to get up early on a Saturday morning, (and my friends can attest... I've always been a night owl who has a very difficult time getting out of bed in the mornings!) I stumbled around trying to find everything I needed, headed out the door feeling harried, and running late again. I pulled into the coffee house parking lot with three minutes to spare and rushed in to set up my table. I never know what God has in store for me when I go adventuring, and book signings can be quite an adventure. I love meeting new people, talking and sharing with them, and being there at just the right moment to listen to "that" person who needs to be heard. Today was one of those days that I felt God had led me to just the right place so I could be there to listen to, support, and offer encouragement to a newly born Christian. This young man was stepping out on his own for the first time in his life and feeling just a little nervous about being away from his family's and his church family's support. I believe he felt more at peace after our time together, and I know it was a fruitful time for me as well.
The next stop on my journey was to help my daughter as she moved into her new apartment. It was also a fruitful time as we attempted to put together her computer desk (we didn't have all the right tools), arranged furniture, and ate pizza. As we finished, I checked the time and realized I was once again running late for my next adventure; my niece's performance as Annie in her school's production of Annie Jr.
Another close call, but I made it just before seven. The show actually started late, so I had time to visit with friends and relatives as we waited for the curtain to rise. As always, my niece gave a stellar performance, and I'm not just saying this because I'm her aunt, this child has amazing talent. I think she takes after my mom who was also a singer/songwriter. After the show, I was blessed to watch her signing autographs for starry-eyed little girls. 
Finally around nine-thirty, I climbed back into my car and headed home. Now at the end of this long day, I've realized just how very blessed I've been by skipping my usual leisurely and lazy Saturday morning. Although, next week... I plan to sleep in!
Blessings always,
:) Susan

If instead of a gem, or even a flower, we should cast the gift of a loving thought into the heart of a friend, that would be giving as the angels give.  ~George MacDonald

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