Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Two moons on 27th August 2010

Thought you might enjoy knowing this if you have not already gotten the information.
An interesting fact about AUGUST 2010
This AUGUST has
On 27th Aug the Whole World will be watching for.............

Planet Mars will be the brightest planet in the night sky starting in August. It will look as large as the full moon to the naked eye. This will culminate on Aug. 27 when Mars comes within 34.65M miles off earth. Be sure to watch the sky on Aug. 27 12:30 am. It will look like the earth has 2 moons.
Isn't this cool. I can't wait to see this phenomenal sight. Maybe it will be a Moon Dance night!!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Memory Makers


I have discovered that to write and to write well, it's necessary to have experienced many adventures along life's way. I've often been asked what parts of my novel Moon Dance are fact and what parts fiction. I usually just smile and offer, "It's partly truth and partly fiction, and I'm not tellin' which is which." I like to keep a few secrets to myself. The historical setting and certain public incidents did actually take place, although I did use creative license as I wrote. I wanted the storyline to flow smoothly and the characters to become real to the reader. I'm now working on the sequel to Moon Dance, and I really can't say when it will be completed. I would love to have it finished already, but in writing historical fiction I also need to make sure I've used both primary and secondary resources to create a realistic presence within a work of fiction. This takes a lot of time and I often get lost in the research itself because I find it so intriguing. I am working hard and would love to have it through the publishing process by sometime next summer. It took between two and a half to three years to research, write, and complete the publishing process of Moon Dance.

Many of my readers have told me the characters in Moon Dance are so realistic, and they truly feel as if they know them personally. Many readers have commented on the depth of emotions the book's characters portray, and one reader even asked how I could create such an intense feeling of romance and passion without including the "graphic" scenes found in so many romance novels. Moon Dance is a romance, it's full of all the strong emotions that one goes through when they fall in love. It is also a story of struggle, faith, family, and of working together for the benefit of all. It is a Christian historical romance that reaches out and touches the depths of our souls. At least, I hope to create this experience in all my readers.

The title of this hub, Memory Makers, came to me at my book signing today at Borders Books. I love to meet all the new wonderful people who come into bookstores, as well as share time with friends who drop by to lend me support as I "move on" in this new and exciting journey. Today's "Memory Maker" came about as I talked with numerous folks who dropped by my little table to browse through the pages of Moon Dance, ask questions about the book, or to purchase their own copy. I talked about Moon Dance, the setting and the characters, as well as offered little historical facts that can be found within it's pages. This sparked memories within the readers' hearts as well, and they shared their memories of people, places, and times with me. I always cherish these moments whether the person purchases a copy of my novel or not. It is the personal interaction, the recollection of memories, and sharing between two souls that tells us all we matter, we are all the same, and we all have a story to tell.

It is not often we have the opportunity to share our own inner being with complete strangers. Although when you open the door to "memories", a kind of magic happens. No longer are you strangers; you have become friends.



Friday, August 20, 2010

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Remembering Solomon's Shoe Store


Summer Days are winding down. School is about to begin again and children are excited to get new clothes, shoes, school supplies, and find out who their new teacher will be.
When I think back to my childhood days, what I remember most about shopping for school was our annual visit to Solomon's Shoe Store. What a grand adventure this always was. My mom would get us all dressed up nicely, almost as if we were getting ready for church or going out to a nice restaurant for dinner. I still remember the smell of new leather and the sound of a soft bell ringing as we walked in the door. I remember the sight of walls lined with many bright, shiny new shoes. As we walked in, we were always greeted kindly by the clerk, and he would listen intently as my mom told him exactly what shoes she wanted my sisters and me to try on. When I was small, it was always a new pair of patent leather black Mary Janes. As I grew older, I was allowed to choose a new pair of penny loafers in either brown or black. This was quite a thrill the first time I had a choice in shoes. I remember feeling very special when the clerk would measure my feet to find just the right fit. He would take out the large shiny, silver measure and carefully place first my right and then my left foot onto the cold steel. Then he would glance up at my mom and remark, "You need to buy these girls a good sturdy pair of shoes that will last them until Easter." My mom would always agree because back then those were the only times we bought new shiny "dress up shoes". I can't remember when or why we stopped shopping at Solomon's shoes, but I do know it was a special experience that I've never forgotten.
People and places touch our lives in so many different ways. Our paths may cross once or many times. But the people and the places that have touched our lives with kindness are the ones we tend to remember most. Most shoe stores today are very impersonal. You go in and browse around on the row that offers shoes in your size, try on a few pairs, and if you need help you go search for a salesperson. That distinct smell of new leather has been replaced by a nondescript smell that doesn't draw you in or create an air of excitement. Shoes are purchased all year long, not only twice a year, so the excitement of having a new pair of shoes to "break in" just isn't there.
It's now the beginning of a new school year, and I feel drawn to the shoe shops once again. I do love to go shoe shopping, and my husband would even tell you I have way too many pairs of shoes, yet I certainly miss those days when the shoe shopping experience was not just about buying a pair of shoes, but about a personal experience of sharing a part of our lives with others.

DOGS - How do they think?

DOGS - How do they think?

"Faye'Daily Words Of Encouragement # 276 Today's Word Is: Offer"

"Faye'Daily Words Of Encouragement # 276 Today's Word Is: Offer"

"Faye's Daily words Of Encouragement # 276 Today's Word Is: Offer"

Definition of the word Offer: means something submitted for consideration or to present or submit an offer,or to give.

Psalms chapter 50 -23 : Whoso offereth praise glorieth me; and to him that ordereth his conversation aright will I shew the salvation of God.

Matthews chapter 5 - 24 : Leave there thy gifts before the alter and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother and then come and offer thy gift.

Luke chapter 6 - 29 : And unto him smitteth thee on the cheek, offer also the other; and him that taketh away thy cloak forbid not to take away thy coat.

1 Corinthians chapter 8 - 1 : Now as touching thing offered unto idols, we know that we all have knowledge, Knowledge puffeth up , but charity edifieth.

1 Corinthians chapter 10 - 19 : What say I then that the idol is anything, or that the things, or that which is offereed in sacrifice to idols is anything.

2 Timothy chapter 4 - 6 : For I am now ready to be offered and the time of my departure is at hand.

Hebrews chapter 9 - 28 : So, Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.

Today's daily words of encouragement word is Offer: Which means to submit and offer to someone , or to give unselfishly. God gave Jesus, his only begotten son as a sacrifice on the cross for the sins of mankind. He then offered us salvation and eternal life for those of us, that will accept it.

In return we should offer ourselves to God, for services we can give; to show our appreciation for his great sacrifice that he gave us. We should always offer praises to glorify his holy name.

Benny Faye Douglass

Monday, August 16, 2010

WORDS — August 16, 2010 by Susan Earl Posted in A WOMAN'S VOICE by doloresayotte on August 16, 2010


WORDS — August 16, 2010 by Susan Earl

Posted in A WOMAN'S VOICE by doloresayotte on August 16, 2010
Tags: , , ,

A Wo-Man’s Voice

Tonight, as the rain continues to fall, the thirsty ground quickly soaks up these precious drops of moisture and stores what it needs to survive during the long, hot days of summer. As the rain pelts against the window panes, I watch mesmerized as large droplets slowly slide down the glass. The sound of the rain soothes and comforts me, and I feel safe within the walls of my own home. I contemplate getting up and taking care of all the “things” that await my attention, and yet I linger and daydream.

“Words” are on my mind, or more specifically, the power of words. I ponder this because I know how amazing and how detrimental words can be. As an author, my words reach many. I feel a deep responsibility to represent not only the character of the “characters” in my book, but to let my words represent my innermost being. I desire to entertain my readers, as well as depict compassion, strength, determination, and faith throughout the pages of my book.

One word spoken or written can create great happiness or utter despair in others. I write from my heart, from the very depths of my soul because writing is an integral part of who I am. In the real world, I earn my living as a teacher, and in this capacity, the words I speak are even more important than those I write. Each day in the classroom, I must try to teach young minds all they need to learn in order to “pass” to the next grade. During the short time I have a student in my class I pray my words and my actions demonstrate compassion, strength, determination, and faith.

I have been given a very great power. A power that at times I wish I didn’t have. Regardless of a child’s home life, teachers are empowered as role models for their students. The younger the child, the more they look to the teacher for guidance. A child’s self-esteem, desire to learn, even their need to be noticed and cared about is balanced by words. One word of kindness can motivate a child, while one unkind word can crush a child’s spirit.

As the rain falls, my thoughts drift back to my own school days. How powerful words can be to a child. So many years have gone by, yet certain memories remain permanently etched in my mind. I would like to say all my memories are positive ones, but I can’t. There were teachers who often criticized me for being a dreamer, while others nurtured the dreamer within me. I was not always the most motivated of students. I always did just enough to get by, even though I had the ability to be so much more. It wasn’t until high school that a teacher lit a spark within me that drew me to become who I am now. One small sentence, one kind word, spoken at a time in my life when I desperately needed reassurance changed the course of my life.

Words…Did my life change overnight because of one person’s gentle words? The answer is no, but it did begin the metamorphosis within me. Am I who I have become today because of her words. Possibly, because that day a simple spoken word of kindness helped me begin to believe in myself. Each day, as words are written or spoken the thirsty soul quickly soaks up these precious drops and stores what it needs to survive during the long, hard days of life.

“Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tune without words and never stops.” (Emily Dickinson)

Thank you Susan for sharing such an intimate story with us. We can all learn from it.

Susan K. Earl, author of Moon Dance ~ a novel

Website – http://susanearl.tatepublishing.net

Blog Site -http://moondancenovel.blogspot.com

20 Responses to 'WORDS — August 16, 2010 by Susan Earl'

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  1. Lorraine Gauthier said,

    Beautiful article Susan! I can tell by the WORDS of your article that you are a very caring Author, Teacher and Person. You are so right about the impact that words have. Everything we perceive and think about can have either a negative or postive affect. It is wonderful that you are wanting to bring out pleasant emotions. As people we are challenged daily on to how we react to various situations….either positively or negatively .Your kindness allows your readers as well as your pupils to take the high road and receive healthy ,positive and enlightening messages.This will have a profound impact on their day! Thanks for sharing!

    • Thanks Lorraine…your WORDS of encouragement and support mean a lot to me and I’m sure Susan feels the same! :)

    • Susan Earl said,

      Thank you Lorraine! I’m a little late checking in today as this was my first day back at work, and the students come back next week. I pray that I will make a positive impact in the lives of my students and that my words will encourage rather than discourage them in their future pursuits. :) Susan

  2. Shirley Sarafinchan said,

    Thank you Susan, for sharing your deep feelings about “words”! I agree with you about the importance of words and how careful we must be especially around young people! I recall many times as a young girl feeling inadequate and insecure because of harsh words spoken so I can certainly relate. I loved the way you started this blog and how comforting you felt in your home as the rain was falling and I hope you enjoy my poem “Rain” which I will be sending to Dolores in the near future!

    • Thank you Shirley for your positive comments. It is so true about the power of “words” and the lasting impression they can have on us both as children and even as adults. I look forward to receiving your poem “Rain”. I imagine it will be as comforting as its title. :)

    • Susan Earl said,

      Hi Shirley, Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with me. It touches my heart that my words can evoke memories in others hearts. I appreciate your kind words and support, and I really look forward to reading your poem “Rain”. :) susan

  3. Mary Haskett said,

    Thank you Susan for your thought provoking article on words. I’m sure many of your students will blossom and move on in life with confidence because of your careful usage of words.
    The Lord bless you

    • Susan Earl said,

      Thank you, Mary! I feel very blessed to have this opportunity to share my thoughts with y’all. And I do pray that I can and do touch lives in a positive way every day. :) Susan

  4. Fred Ayotte said,

    Wonderful article. You are right. Words can be the sweetest sound there is or cause the deepest wounds. We must be very careful how they are used as they often can’t be taken back. Thanks.

    • Susan Earl said,

      Thank you Fred! I agree completely with you. I wrote a little blurb years ago that has stuck with me all these years and I try to remember and follow my own “advice” as I walk into the classroom or anywhere actually. I’ll share it here… hopefully it makes sense to others… “Guard carefully the words you speak, other ears may truly seek compassion from you, and then find a shallow soul dwelling within your mind.”
      :) Susan

  5. Excellent, Susan. I see you and I have much in common. I, too, earn my living as a teacher, and my passions are reading and writing. I write from my heart and soul. Blessings to you and yours and thanks for sharing such a heartfelt piece. Barb

    • Susan Earl said,

      Thank you Barbara! It sounds like we do have a lot in common, and I truly appreciate your kind words. As this new school year begins, I hope you have a truly blessed year. :) Susan

  6. Barb Newman said,

    I agree…Excellent article- words have the pwer to hurt or heal. It is our choice to use them lovingly!

    • Susan Earl said,

      Thank you, Barb! I agree that it is our choice each and every day to use the power of words in a positive, loving way or in a way that is detrimental to others and ourselves. Today I feel very blessed by all the words of kindness I have received from all of you! :) Susan

  7. Thank you Mary, Barbara, Barb, and of course you too Fred, for stopping by and reading Susan’s post and for leaving such supportive and positive comments! :)

  8. hope_rising said,


    Your article is right on. I know in my educational career, I had teachers that were dismissive and teachers that were encouraging. The years that I had an encouraging teacher my scores, my self esteem , my curiousity etc. just sored.

    There were some cutting words from some adults in my life, that still haunt me, that I still battle. It is just amazing how powerful adult voices are to kids. Kids, especially little ones, so just want to be please. I just spent a couple of weeks with a few little kids and they were so thrilled everytime I noticed something of fussed about something… it was awesome to see.

    great article … very thought provoking …..

    I’m so glad you are one of the teachers that invests today in the way your voice will sound in the future. It definitely will become part of your students self talk… good for you!

    • Susan Earl said,

      Thank you hope_rising! It is very hard to heal from harsh words. As you have, I have struggled in childhood and in my adult life to overcome the “cutting” words. It isn’t an easy task, and I know there will be some that will haunt me all my life. I am very grateful to all the teachers, friends, and family in my life that have encouraged me. I am also feeling very encouraged by all the kind words I have received here today! I’ll leave you with another little blurb… not quite poetry and not really prose, just a thought I wrote long ago… ” Sometimes when you least expect it your life is touched by kindness… don’t be afraid to reach out and absorb the warmth… for if you do, then your life may touch someone else with kindness, too.” Have a blessed evening! :) Susan

  9. Shelley said,

    Hurray for the new (and working) blog button! It looks awesome! : )

    • Susan Earl said,

      It’s a really cool button! :) Susan

  10. Susan Earl said,

    Thank you all for your caring comments. It is a true blessing to me to read each of your thoughts regarding my “Words”. I greatly appreciate each one of you and offer a huge thank you to Dolores for giving me this opportunity to share this article with you all.
    Blessings Always,

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Arlo Guthrie /City of New Orleans

Ridin' the Rails

The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page. ~St. Augustine

I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel's sake. The great affair is to move. ~Robert Louis Stevenson

Now take a ride down memory lane and ride the rails with me!

Ridin' the Rails

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Watermelons & Eggs For Cancer

Watermelons & Eggs For Cancer

These are truly incredible. You'll love the cool watermelons,?
but you'll be blown away by the eggs!?

These egg shellswere cut with a high intensity precision Laser Beam. This shows what can be achieved with a Laser Beam and why laser surgery performed on one's eye is so amazing. Science is wonderful, and it's still on the frontier of gaining new knowledge.

'A true friend is someone who knows you're
a good egg even if you're a little cracked.'
A small request:
All youare askedto do is keep this circulating.

Please pray for a cure of cancer.

All you are asked to do is keep this circulating
Even if it's to one more person.

In memory of anyone you know that has been struck down by cancer or is still living with it.