Sunday, October 3, 2010

Follow That Blog !!

I'd love to have you follow my blog, please join me and discover a little about me and the way my thoughts flow. Sometimes thought provoking, sometimes scattered, and definitely not an everyday thing, but sometimes you may find thoughts, ideas, or stories you may enjoy.
So step on over, sit a spell, and take a moment to read my blogs. Nothin' fancy, but I'd love to have you join me and share your thoughts as well! If you have a story or site to share, e-mail me at and I'll be happy to post your stories, poems, interests on my blogger page. Until then...


  1. Hey...I enjoy following your blog. Thanks for following mine too. I appreciate the comments you made on Knot's Prayer. Enjoy your week and take care! :)

  2. Ditto! Headed of to Massachusetts to watch the leaves change color in two days!! Can't wait. I'll take lots of picks and hopefully gets some writing in while I'm there! Have a wonderful week and I'll TTYL. :)Susan
