The remnants of Hurricane Alex are far reaching, and tonight on and off showers are still spinning in from the coast. Rainy nights at home always seem nice and cozy to me. It gives me a good excuse not to run out to pick up something from the store or head out to a movie. I can just relax, write or read, and know that this night offers me a few sweet moments to slow down.
Tonight I've been going back and forth between games of spider solitare and working on my latest novel (that I've promised myself I will finish by September.. lol). Since my setting is historically based I have to do a lot of research into the time period my novel is set. As I was perusing the archives of an ancient local paper, I came across the following article. I felt it was worthy of sharing and I hope it brings at least a little smile to your lips.
Friday May 20 (1938) Flem’s Flam’s By J. H. Flemister
We are indebted to the Nolan County News at Sweetwater for the following expense account turned in by a candidate two years ago.
“Lost, 1,349 hours of sleep thinking about the election. Lost, two front teeth and a lot of hair in a personal encounter with an opponent. Donated, a beef, four shoats and five sheep to a community barbecue. Gave away two pairs of suspenders, four calico dresses, $5 in cash and 13 baby rattlers.
“Chopped 132 acres of cotton. Kissed 126 babies. Walked 4,076 miles. Shook hands with 9,508 persons. Told 10,101 lies, and talked enough to make in print 987 volumes. Attended 16 revival meetings and was baptized four different times by immersion and twice some other way.
“Contributed $50 to foreign missions and made love to nine grass widows. Spent $106 dollars at box suppers. Hugged 49 old maids. Got dog bit 39 times—and was defeated.”
Which brings to mind the story related by the Anson News of the East Texas judge who seemed to remain in office indefinitely. On being asked how he did it he answered:
“My opponents always carry a jug of liquor around the county when they are electioneering. Now, common sense will teach you a man will throw away his chewing tobacco when he takes a drink of liquor; so I just follow them up with a big supply of Brown Mule and replenish the drinkers’ supply.”
These stories seem fantastic and unreal, but they are no more fantastic than the reasons for which too many voters vote for far too many candidates—and the candidates, too often get elected.
Pockets are still lined today, but not so much to the common man. Isn't it interesting or fantastic as Flem says that candidates so often get elected for the all the wrong reasons.
Hope you have a wonderful evening.
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