Friday, March 25, 2011

Remember the Time...When Comedy was Art


My work week was really hectic, and I so looked forward to coming home this afternoon with the knowledge that my agenda is completely free for the weekend. I arrived home a little before six, turned on the TV and promptly fell asleep. After an hour or so, I awoke and started searching for something to eat. My search was not in vain… I found a can of bean dip, chips, and a couple of pieces of Dove dark chocolate. I took my treasures back to the living room, plopped down on the couch, and scrolled through the hundreds of channels on the TV. Low and behold there was nothing to watch!  Undaunted, I gazed down at my two dogs who were drooling as they stared at my dinner of bean dip and chips, as I attempted to keep the cat from jumping in my lap as she prowled down the back of the couch. I chewed on a chip and contemplated putting in an old movie, and then it came to me, and I knew just what to do… Nexflix instant play to the rescue!
I rewound the clock, so to say, to the time when there were only three channels on television, and tuned in to an episode of The Red Skelton Show. I loved variety shows growing up, and Red was one of my very favorites. Some of you may have never had the pleasure of watching a true artist at work, but this multi-talented man warmed my heart week after week when I was a child. This was in the day when every show was announced, “And now in living color”… I always wondered what that was like because we only had black and white TV. As I said it’s been a hectic week at work, so please forgive my rambling.
I laughed and cried as I watched Red perform his familiar roles of Clem Kadiddlehopper, Freddy the Freeloader, and his famous mime. His stand-up routine was quite good and not at all offensive. Several of his statements really reached out to me, and in hopes they will resonate with you as well, I will share a couple of quotes today from this episode of Red Skelton’s show.

“I don’t need to wear glasses, but I’ve reached the age where my curiosity is greater than my vanity.” ~ Red Skelton

(I’m there, Red!)

The second quote is a description of “Who is Freddy the Freeloader?”

“Freddy is a little bit of you, a little bit of me. He’s found out what love means. He knows the value of time. He’s found out that time is a glutton that eats up life. We say that there’s plenty of time for this or that…the trick is to apply it. Our greatest disease in the world is procrastination, and Freddy knows about all these things and so do you. He doesn’t ask anyone to provide for him because it would be taken away from you. He doesn’t ask for equal rights if he knows it means you’ll give up some of yours…and he knows one thing -that patriotism is greater than guns. He’s nice to everybody because he was taught that man was made in God’s image. He’s never met God in person, but the next fellow just might be him. I would say Freddy is a little bit of all of us.” ~ Red Skelton

This second quote really touched my heart. It brought to mind a story I read long ago by Leo Tolstoy. I wish I could remember the name of the book. I had it for a very long time, and then lent it to someone and it was never returned. I think that person needed the book much more than I did. Anyway, the book was a collection of three or four short Christmas stories written after Tolstoy became a Christian. The story that Red’s quote triggered in my mind was about Christ walking amongst us in human form. In the story God traveled from place to place seeking to find someone who would show a stranger hospitality and kindness. He visited many before he found what he desired.  If you’ve read the book, maybe you will be kind enough to message the title to me. I’d love to find another copy of it.
My blog may seem to have gotten off track, but memories are what it’s all about. Hopefully, memories some of you will enjoy and relate to.

“And now I will say goodnight and God bless” ~ Red Skelton

As always, I pray God’s blessings upon you,

                         Red Skelton Clem Kadiddlehopper Sketch

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

New Review for Moon Dance ~ a novel

"I thoroughly enjoyed reading the novel, Moon Dance, by Author Susan Earl.  It is very easy to discern that Susan is passionate about her relationship with God as she so skillfully intertwines her own values in her novel about Maggie and Joe. The story takes place in Texas during the Great Depression yet despite the poverty and hardship that so many people endured; Maggie and Joe manage to find love and romance. Although, the main plot of Moon Dance revolves around the love they share, there are many other delightful characters that enhance the story line. There is much sadness and sorrow that is also addressed in this well-written, descriptive novel, but the faith of the family and the love that they all share manages to bring it to a happy conclusion. This book grabbed my attention right from the onset and I enjoyed it immensely." ~ Dolores Ayotte, author of Growing Up and Liking It
Don't forget to purchase your signed copy of   
Moon Dance ~ a novel by Susan K. Earl 
and your name will be entered in 2 drawings for a chance to 
win a free Kindle Reader.  The first drawing will take place 
April 1st and the 2nd drawing around May 1st. E-mail me at for ordering details.  
Price $15.00 +shipping.  :)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Contests Have Begun to win a Free Kindle Reader

Happy first day of spring!! To kick off one of my favorite seasons I'd like to share a special opportunity with you.

Recently, I was given a great idea by one of my fellow authors. I pondered on her idea for quite a while, and then decided I would also offer this opportunity to my readers near and far.  

Ever wanted to own a Kindle reader? Well, now is a good time to get one for FREE! A drawing is underway... just order a signed copy of moon dance from me, and your name will be added to the list. For a limited time, I'm offering a signed copy of moon dance at the special price of only $15.00 + shipping (Retails at $22.99). The first drawing will be on April 1st (NO foolin' around!). Send me an e-mail at for ordering details. You can also message me on facebook for details... just click on the fb link on the side of this page. :)

If you've already purchased a copy of moon dance, but would still like to get in on the drawings you can buy one (or more) for a friend or donate a copy to your local or school's library! You never know... the winner could be you! If you enter the contest for the first giveaway on April 1st, your name will automatically be entered into the 2nd drawing, which will take place around May 1st.

15 requests so far for the drawing on April 1st. I'm really excited, and I wish all who enter could win! Keep those e-mails coming.The winner may be you!  I truly appreciate all of you who support me in my efforts to get the word out about Moon Dance!


Saturday, March 5, 2011

Saturday's Song

Today has been filled to the brim with non-stop activities! I usually try and enjoy a leisurely, lazy Saturday morning, yet today began on the run and continued at this non-stop pace until almost time for the ten o'clock news tonight. 
The day began with an early morning book signing at the White Rhino Coffee House. After grumbling about having to get up early on a Saturday morning, (and my friends can attest... I've always been a night owl who has a very difficult time getting out of bed in the mornings!) I stumbled around trying to find everything I needed, headed out the door feeling harried, and running late again. I pulled into the coffee house parking lot with three minutes to spare and rushed in to set up my table. I never know what God has in store for me when I go adventuring, and book signings can be quite an adventure. I love meeting new people, talking and sharing with them, and being there at just the right moment to listen to "that" person who needs to be heard. Today was one of those days that I felt God had led me to just the right place so I could be there to listen to, support, and offer encouragement to a newly born Christian. This young man was stepping out on his own for the first time in his life and feeling just a little nervous about being away from his family's and his church family's support. I believe he felt more at peace after our time together, and I know it was a fruitful time for me as well.
The next stop on my journey was to help my daughter as she moved into her new apartment. It was also a fruitful time as we attempted to put together her computer desk (we didn't have all the right tools), arranged furniture, and ate pizza. As we finished, I checked the time and realized I was once again running late for my next adventure; my niece's performance as Annie in her school's production of Annie Jr.
Another close call, but I made it just before seven. The show actually started late, so I had time to visit with friends and relatives as we waited for the curtain to rise. As always, my niece gave a stellar performance, and I'm not just saying this because I'm her aunt, this child has amazing talent. I think she takes after my mom who was also a singer/songwriter. After the show, I was blessed to watch her signing autographs for starry-eyed little girls. 
Finally around nine-thirty, I climbed back into my car and headed home. Now at the end of this long day, I've realized just how very blessed I've been by skipping my usual leisurely and lazy Saturday morning. Although, next week... I plan to sleep in!
Blessings always,
:) Susan

If instead of a gem, or even a flower, we should cast the gift of a loving thought into the heart of a friend, that would be giving as the angels give.  ~George MacDonald